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Our Expertise

Results Radio offers award winning talent to help advertisers stand out from the competition. Results Radio's professional talent is the largest voice over production team in the Mid-Ohio Valley delivering marketing results that exceed client's expectations.  At Results Radio, we understand how important it is to keep your advertising message sounding fresh, allowing you to keep and/or gain that competitive edge.  Result Radio has a dozen unique and exceptional voices that specialize in conveying your marketing message to our audience. Contact one of our marketing professional. Results Radio....ready to deliver outstanding results for you and your business!
  • "Radio continues to be perceived as central to people's lives, especially when contrasted with the precipitous decline by other traditional media" - Nielsen Audio/Edison "Infinite Dial".

  • Radio continues to be the #1 source of music discovery despite the numerous audio options that exist today.

  • People spend more time listening to news on the radio each day than they do reading newspapers or getting news online. The amount of time people listen to radio news has remained more stable over the last decade... --Pew Research Center for the People & the Press

  • Listeners tend to listen to relatively few radio stations and are extremely loyal to their favorites.

  • Research shows that Radio listeners have a low level of ad avoidance, staying tuned in through commercial breaks.

  • Because ads can run frequently and listeners tend to stay tuned for long periods of time, a brand that is big in Radio can create a disproportionately large share of mind for itself.



  • Radio is on 24/7, reaching over 92% of people age 12 and older every week and 68% daily.

  • Often considered a frequency medium, radio is an ideal reach medium when planned differently -- especially based on Nielsen Audio PPM data.

  • Ads are most effective when they remind people of brands they know, at the time they happen to need a product or service.

  • Reminding is a perfect job for radio when used as a reach medium.

  • Radio's diversity of programming affords advertisers niche channels to zero in on narrow target groups

  • Formats allow advertisers to speak selectively to consumers they want to reach

  • Local/regional structure means brands can focus on key marketing areas

  • Consumers vary in their stages of the purchase cycle -- on-going Radio ads allow your product or brand to be front and center when people are ready to buy, even during off seasons.

  • Radio reaches consumers close to the time and location of purchase, whether they're in-store or online shoppers

  • Reach listeners in-car when they're driving to stores, restaurants, etc.

  • Listeners feel an emotional connection with their preferred Radio stations
  • Passive forms of advertising merely list merchandise or tell where a product is available; Radio is an active medium capable of stirring emotion, creating demand and selling products and services
  • Radio is a call-to-action medium


  • Radio's relatively low cost in relation to other media allows advertisers to use multiple stations to reach their targets and build frequency levels for maximum impact


*Radio Advertising Bureau 2014

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